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Executive Director


John Barclay

John’s experience in the non-profit sector began in 1981 when he, with others, formed Triune Arts, a nationally incorporated charity in Toronto. In the 1990’s, Triune financed and produced a series of educational videos focussing on social issues. Currently, Triune Arts is a key sponsor of the MyView Youth Film Festival, now celebrating its ninth year in Eastern Ontario. In 2009, John moved to Oxford Mills outside Kemptville, where he became active in several grassroots volunteer organizations, acting as Chair of both the Kemptville Farmers’ Market and the Oxford Mills Community Association. In all his volunteer work, John’s leadership, and commitment to building community cohesion and self-reliance is evident. Paid positions included Resource Developer for the Kemptville Youth Centre and Executive Director of the Old Town Kemptville Business Improvement Area. In 2018, John was elected to the Municipality of North Grenville’s Council. A Mayor’s Task Force on Affordable Housing was one of the first things this brand-new Council initiated. Advisory Committees were expanded and now include, among others, an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee and an Indigenous Advisory Circle. John currently acts as Chair of the North Grenville Police Services Board and as the Municipality’s Deputy Mayor.

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